Films 1
Literature adaptations
Funded by the Irish Film Board, RTE , the Northern Ireland Film Board and the Irish Arts Council under the Frameworks Scheme, two short animated films are based on a parable by Franz Kafka and a short story by the Cork poet and writer Patrick Galvin respectively.
Experimental art film productions
Funded by the Irish Arts Council under a ‘06 Project award, the short experimental silent film ..JOY.. is conceived as a visual adaptation of the organ piece ‘Transports du joie d’une ame...’ by Olivier Messiaen and part of a Cine-Concert. The film was screened to live organ music and opened the Cork International Film Festival in 2006.
As part of a practice-based PhD programme the 42 min experimental film DAS VERMÄCHTNIS (web page) was conceived as part of a Cine-Concert. The film acknowledges the psychological origins of the Holocaust and is dedicated to the memory of its victims. The PhD project was funded by a Galway Film Studies Fellowship.
For the 25 minute audio visual reflection THERE ARE NO OTHER ‘OTHERS‘: TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE ETHICS, excerpts from the film THE LEGACY were used together with quotations by the philosopher Rosi Braidotti to highlight the need for a revised perspective that facilitates a ‘renegotiation of our being in this together‘ (Braidotti 2006: 271). The film was screened at the Dublin Biennial 2014.
The German version of the film DAS VERMÄCHTNIS was screened to live music in Saarbrücken for the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, in January 2025. The recording can be watched here: DAS VERMÄCHTNIS. The English version of the film was screened at UCC, Ireland, on 27th January 2025, and can be viewed here: THE LEGACY